The best weight loss plans.BREAKFASTSavory Apricot-Stuffed French Toast with Tomatoes MIDMORNING SNACK1 cup 0% plain Greek-style yogurt topped with 1/2 cup blueberries LUNCHMexican Chopped Salad MIDAFTERNOON SNACKChocolate-Mint Parfait, served with 4 strawberries DINNERIndian-Spiced Chicken and RiceEVENING SNACKGingersnap Oatmeal with 1/2 cup fat-free milkDAILY TOTAL: 1,260 Cal; 97 g protein; 183 g carb; 22 g fat; 10 g sat fat; 27 g fiber; 2,410 mg sodium Meal-By-Meal Guidelines BREAKFAST: 1 protein, 1 grain, 1/2 vegetable, 1/2 fat SNACK: 1 dairy, 1/2 fruit LUNCH: 1 protein, 2 vegetables, 1/2 fat SNACK: 1 dairy, 1/2 fruit DINNER: 2 proteins, 2 grains, 1 vegetable SNACK: 1 grain, 1/2 dairy DAILY SODIUM TARGET: 2,300 mg Numbers indicate servings: 1 serving of protein = 1 ounce lean meat, 1 egg, or 2 egg whites; 1 serving of fruit or vegetables = 1 cup; 1 serving of whole grains = 1/2 cup brown rice or 1 slice bread; 1 serving of dairy = 1 cup fat-free milk or 1 1/2 ounces cheese; 1 serving of fat = 1 teaspoon oil or 1 tablespoon salad dressing Reset your body clock and melt belly fat with these healthy recipes from The Belly Melt Diet book!...