As part of the study, published online in the journal Personnel Psychology, employees completed surveys measuring supervisor hostility, and reported how often they retaliated by doing things like ignoring orders. Seven months later, the workers who got dumped on and just took the abuse registered feeling distressed, depressed, and down on their jobs. On the flip side, workers who got aggressive right back registered greater job satisfaction all around. “Targets of supervisor hostility feel less victimized when they express hostility of their own against the boss,” explains lead study author Bennet Tepper, professor of management and human resources at The Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business. “Feeling less victimized, in turn, is associated with better attitudes toward the work, less psychological distress, and more positive feelings about one’s career progress.” Another upside: abusive bosses backed off when employees gave them a taste of their own medicine. “This is consistent with other research we’ve done suggesting that abusive bosses tend to focus their hostility on weak and vulnerable employee targets,” Tepper says.

Photo by Thomas Barwick/Getty Images Even if you can’t change your boss’s evil ways, it’s always a good idea to stand up for yourself in a way that is diplomatic, positive, and focused on solutions. Not only will you earn the admiration of your coworkers, says Tepper, but you’ll feel better about yourself and your job in the long run.  Here are 3 strategies that can help you get respect without getting sacked: Offer solutions. Instead of calling your boss out on his bad behavior, frame your feedback as an idea for improving the bottom line. For example, if your boss plops projects on your desk at 4 pm for completion that day, you might say, “I notice that we’re often working against very tight deadlines. I know I could do a better job if I had more lead time—or if I could plan in advance for a last-minute push.” Focus on you. People don’t appreciate being attacked—it only makes them defensive. If your boss dismisses your idea, for example, instead of saying, “You never listen!” articulate your feelings or needs, as in: “I would like you to hear me out,” or, “I think this is a crackerjack idea and it deserves a chance.” Remain calm and don’t let a bruised ego or your disdain for the boss’s personality muddle your message. Build credibility. If you do an exemplary job—paying attention to details, keeping your boss in the loop, showing up on time and meeting deadlines—your boss is more likely to respect and value you as an employee even when you occasionally push back. MORE: How To Have Your Best Workday Ever