Women whose uterus were intact and whom received a daily HRT dose of 0.625 mg of conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) plus 2.5 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) were found to be at increased risk for coronary heart disease, breast cancer, stroke, pulmonary embolism, dementia, gallbladder disease, and urinary incontinence. There were some benefits—these women experienced a decreased diabetes risk, fewer hip fractures, and less frequent hot flashes—but even so, the benefits clearly didn’t outweigh the risks. But when researchers looked at women who had hysterectomies and were taking only .625mg of CEE a day, the benefits and the risks were more balanced. A reduction in hip fractures, total fractures, and breast cancer risk was met with an increased risk for stroke and venous thrombosis (blood clot). Scientists once thought that HRT could protect menopausal women from disease. This study, using one of the most commonly prescribed drugs CEE, shows that isn’t the case. “The risks of CEE plus MPA outweigh the benefits, irrespective of a woman’s age,” write the multi-cohort researchers in JAMA today. “However, a more favorable risk-to-benefit was seen in younger women with prior hysterectomy who received CEE alone.” If you are taking either of these therapies, make sure you discuss these findings with your doctor, as well as a few natural remedies for menopause.