The research: A lot of what we hear about rebound relationships—you know, the idea that moving on to another relationship right after one ends is a recipe for more heartache—hasn’t actually been studied (just perpetuated by girlfriends over cocktails, apparently). So researchers from Queens College in New York and the University of Illinois recruited more than 200 non-singles and singles to answer a series of questionnaires. Non-singles answered questions about their current relationship, (e.g., “I hope that my new relationship makes my ex-partner realize what he/she is missing”) and singles answered questions about how they’ll feel in their next relationship (e.g., “If my original partner wanted me back, I would consider it”). The results showed that those who had started new relationships an average of just 7 months after a breakup weren’t necessarily “worse off”; in fact, they even reported a higher well-being than those who stayed single. What it means: Despite the risks you take with a rebound relationship (like trying to get revenge on your ex), it’s still validating, says researchers. Being in a relationship gives you confidence, a concept that previous studies have shown helps aid in relationship recovery. A rebound relationship also distracts you from how hurt or lonely you feel after your ex becomes your ex. That said, researchers admit their sample was limited and focused mostly on short-term effects. They hope their findings are used as a starting point in redeeming the age-old idea that you’re supposed to wait a certain amount of time before moving on.  The bottom line: When getting out of, and possibly into, a new relationship, the only thing to consider is yourself. Cheesy as it may sound, going with your gut never fails. More from Prevention: 5 Dating Rules You Should Ditch